Tuesday, 26 March 2019

KWW Class Tree-Treaty

We have created a class tree-treaty. All students coloured in their hands to show they agree to the way we will be in the classroom.
This was a really cool activity- as Nicole, Joanne and I all had a vision of how we could do it and we collaborated all our ideas together and this is the final product. It is a great central focus point in our room and teaching space.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Learning Our Mihis

This term we have been focusing on learning our Mihi. We are starting with a brief Mihi for our younger learners.

I have modelled my Mihi to the students to show them what they can do when they are older.

This is the Mihi we are teaching our younger students

Karakia and Waiata

We start each day all together where we do the Karakia and Waiata daily.

KWW  - Kura Pounmau, Whakaute and Wawata end the day together where we do the end of the day Karakia. A different student leads this each day. 

Nathan Wallis - Responding to Trauma and the Human Brain

21 March
Nathan Wallis
The Human Brain and Responding to Trauma.

Naughty kids are the traumatised kids - usually sexual and domestic abuse)

Decade of the brain 1990’s
ECE Teachers have a huge impact on kids.

There are 4 brains in our brain:

  • BRAIN 4= top of brain (frontal cortex). Brain 4 does everything we can do that dogs can’t! Think to yourself “can the dog do it?” e.g reading. Quite a high up level of intelligence and our highest form of thinking. Takes a lot to access this brain and we access this at different ages depending on a range of variables. It involves everything at school that involves higher intellect eg. empathy, controls emotions, understands consequences. Stuff that makes us nice people to be around. It’s not just about our genes but 50% relies on nurture too. We learn a lot in the first 1000 days of life that tells us a lot about what we are going to be like. How quickly we mature relies a lot on birth order. Males mature at age 22-32. Females  at age 18-24. If you are the first child born into a family AND the first girl it is likely you will reach adulthood at age 18, later born girls would be age 24. First born boys in a family would reach adulthood age 22, later born age 32. How quickly you reach milestones depends on gender and birth order. Interesting to think about in a school sense. 23 girl might have her shit together as she’s technically been an ‘adult’ for 5 years. Whereas a 23 year old male second born is only halfway through adolescence, not reaching adulthood til 32.... Can’t compare by ages.
  • BRAIN 3= Emotional brain. Limbic system. We begin accessing this brain between ages 2-8. This is why ECE curriculums are social and emotional.
  • BRAIN 2= Sports brain (movement brain). Starts around 12 months.
  • BRAIN 1= Survival brain (brain stem) attachment. We learn this from birth.

The human brain is moulded by the environment in encounters ( the first 1000 days is vital)
Quantity!! The number of words spoken to a child between 0-1ys has a huge impact on a child's life. The early years propels brain growth.

If needs haven’t been met in brain 1, 2 and 3 we can’t expect students to do anything to do with brain 4.

Brain number 4 has lots of complexity
Brain #1 - survival brain - flight or fight
Brain #2 - movement brain - cerebrum
Brain #3 - Limbic system - Emotions
Brain # 4 - Regresses in traumatic situations as brain #1 takes over.

Brain #4 - thinking and learning
Brain #1 - survival

To be using your cortex your brainstem needs to be CALM.
Balance picture: cortex needs to be online - survival wins everytime.

Calming  your brain stem is important - we have to calm brain #1 - need to slow it down.
Calming strategies: We need to look after ourselves in order to look after others.

Lisa: littlemusicplay.com
  • Take time to calm ourselves and slow down.
Mindfulness activity - to look after our own wellbeing
Activity on the floor- it is important to ground ourselves.
LOVE (infront hands) LIGHT (above hands) HAPPINESS (side hands)

You have to go from the bottom to the top:
Brain #1 - #2 - #3 - #4

Validate = Reflect back the emotion - shows that they have been heard. #3 “I’m not surprised you were scared….
Follow with positivity - wasn’t it good how…

Brain #1 Calm with Mindfulness

RELATIONSHIPS - Is the most important thing. It is how they handle and manage the stress.
The quality of relationship with teacher, secure relationship, reinforce relationship

Brain #2 -
  • Rhythmic Pattern
  • Routine of the classroom
  • Singing
  • Rhythmic games

Brain #1 - 0-6 months
Brain #2 - 6-18 months
Brain #3 - 18-2 yrs

Brain #1 - Relationship and mindfulness (attachment)
Brain #2 - Rhyming games and  structure/routines
Brain #3 - Feeling brain (comes online first) (emotion)
Brain #4 - Thinking brain (cognitive)

ECE Curriculum - aimed at the mybric system focussed on social and emotional

The more free play before 7 - ‘child led’
The better the outcomes for the learner. They can be affected by high anxiety, we don't want to skip Brain #3!.
Teach literacy once they turn 7.

Responding to Trauma:
  • Emotional brain first - Validate their feelings/emotions.
  • Model the resilience - show that your are brave and show positivity.
Validate and model with a statement that shows resilience

Brainstem takes over - cortex goes offline.
  • Relationship
  • Rhythm and routine
  • Positivity

Tell them what they should of done instead.
25% of the brain pictures what is spoken. E.g. Don’t stand on a chair

Step #1 - Calm the brain stem - in a way that is meaningful for the child.
If you go straight to step 3 it won’t work.
Be aware of the individual difference of calming the brainstem- use your relationship with them - you know what works for them, run?walk?hug?

Step #2 - Validate the emotions!
As a child is 90% emotion
An adult is 90% logic
You need to validate their emotions it shows that they have been listened to/heard. Don;t go straight to cognitive training.

DO steps 1 and 2 - ‘see what happens’
-calm down activity
Reflect back their emotion e.g you must of been angry

You need to give twice as much emotional validation to the advice you are giving.

KIds needs lots of validation!

Step #3 Cognitive training - Empower with what the social skill is that was needed. Tell what to to do -  what not to do

Endorphins  - Engage the cortex and calm the brainstem
The more endorphins you have the better you can deal with trauma.
Endorphins makes you happy :D
Top three endorphin releases into your brain are:
  1. Singing - floods your brain, regulates your breathing, opens lungs, sends a clear message that you can’t be in survival mode.
  2. Laughter/Humour - Bring lots of laughter into the classroom! There is a perception that laughing means of task but that is not true.
  3. Physical Exercise/movement - enough to change your mindset e.g, small walk.

The best characteristics of teachers that change your life/most memorable ones are teachers that have HUMOUR and INTEGRITY!

Music - USe your voice - connect with our voice, music is the first universal language
Music is important in terms of mindfulness practices. Be singing, mindful and connecting.

Music in the morning that is going to calm you -create an environment in your classroom.

Movement- simple as stretching
Change your mindset/bloodset - simple as walking to mailbox, laying down with feet up

Talking - talk about how we are feeling and express it.
Grounding stone - physical act of holding it can really ground you.sensory input and calmness from touching it.  

Scared kids aren't interested in learning they need to calm down. (get to know your stone)

Emotions don;t understand time.

Love Kindful mindfulness:
Starts with us/me/you
Calm place with breathing
  1. May I be well (clap)
  2. May I be happy (hands up)
  3. May I be peaceful (hands together)
  4. May I be loved (hug)
  5. Self care - love to friend/family -someone we don’t know that well, confrontal person, allbeings, connect back into you.

Teachers work bloody hard! But in CHCH A teacher has so many social and emotional needs from the earthquakes to the shootings.

What has stood out for me??
The importance of Validating their emotions!!!!
The mindfulness activities to use to calm myself I see as being a powerful tool to help me destress!!