Tuesday 13 March 2018

Murray Gadd teaches my wee ones!

Today I had the opportunity to observe Murray Gadd in action! 

It was great to see him work with my class. I felt really good about what I have been doing within my writing programme.

Murray was impressed with our writing on the wall and our list of things that good writers do. 

I have been implementing a lot of what Murray did with my kids, however I was missing  two key things and this is what I want to work on:

  • Using Think Alouds
  • The use of Finger Modelling of their ideas before they leave the mat.

Having Self belief that you are doing the right thing, can be hard at times and hearing from a guru that you are doing well and are on the right track with your learners makes you feel good.

I can't wait to delve deeper into Writing with my wee treasures!

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