Thursday 8 October 2020

Lockdown learning/teaching/blogging

During our time at home in lockdown we still aimed to maintain the best possible learning programme for our students while also understanding that this was a tough time for students and families. Therefore we provided them with resources before they left and then also set up daily challenges that they could take part in. We tried our best to continue their Te Reo learning by sending home their mihimihi template and including te reo in our daily challenges. Here is a link to each week’s lockdown planning: week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5. We tried making it fun and engaging for them and had to think about what resources and equipment they would have available to use at home. e also wanted to make sure we were exposing the students to aspects of what we would be learning about if we had still been at school following our long term plan. This planning then went on the site, here is an example of that on our site. Students shared their learning with us and we would put it on our blog.

There was a lot of new learning I experienced whilst undertaking the home learning and I enjoyed the relationships and support from my team :D


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