Sunday 11 October 2020

Literacy - Term 3

Shared Story

The students all love stories and they love being read to. So this term as the focus was fairytales and we used these as our stories for a 2 week rotation. This allowed them to really be able to know the story well and to be able to retell it. 

Shared story


We worked on doing phonics altogether this term. We didn’t always get to lots of activities so we have scheduled the time just before lunch next term and have groups so that we can have extension for those that already know the letters of the alphabet.

Phonics Plan


Our handwriting was based on the letters of the week. We got through a good amount of handwriting this term and the students are definitely getting better. Everyone is taught with the same shapes. We set the books up so that those who need extra support have some highlighted letters and guidance for finger spacing. Those that have a good handle on their handwriting just have one letter example.

Handwriting Plan - Handwriting Assessment


Each week we worked to pick a topic that was unified throughout all groups but allowed for extension within these groups. Meaning we had to be able to make basic sentences for the lower groups but also be able to add in extra detail for those higher writers also. We always plan for the needs of the individual groups and then give the support necessary to the students in front of us. We used the fairytales a lot through our writing to great success as this was something we were carrying through a lot of the curriculum, they were listening to the stories, writing about it in writing time and acting it out during drama. So overall I think this gave excellent coverage of the subject and allowed for the students to build strong connections so they had something to write about.

Planning - Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9

Writing Assessment


In poetry we were looking at nursery rhymes. This was fun for the students since you kind of sing these more. It really gave an extra way for those that struggle to read the words another way to remember. Whereas those with high reading abilities were able to read the nursery rhymes for themselves.

Poetry Plan

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